What is Legal Data Analytics?

It is our technology-assisted service that enables highly accurate and efficient electronic search and analysis of data in any legal or business context. We deploy tools that help individuals, teams and whole organisations explore their data and better manage risks.

Our trend-setting capability to combine smart technology and top quality legal expertise may be applied in a wide range of use cases and activities. These include contract review, due diligence, regulatory audit, GDPR compliance, subject access requests, litigation, archiving of legacy data and even business/academic research.

Due Diligence & Audit Projects

Legal service typically involves pinpointing information known to exist and unearthing relevant information previously not known about. We offer technology assisted search & discovery in order to:

  • Structure large data sets for content and context;
  • Enable bulk comparison of contracts and other files;
  • Identify contradictions and anomalies within data sets; and
  • Search for non-standard terms, sentences or contract clauses.

Our technology tools enable large and challenging information research tasks to be carried out with speed, precision and ease. This means that we reduce the time spent on traditional file review and make sure that important occurrences of key phrases are not missed, while we take care of expert analysis in the right context.

GDPR Compliance Related Tasks

We use technology to help clients become more transparent and accountable about how data is handled by organisations. In particular, we offer assistance with the following:

Other Document Review Projects

Typical legal search & discovery may also include contract analysis, disclosure of evidence in litigation work, review of IP or real estate documentation and similar scenarios. Using technology, we can help for example with the following:

  • Locate contracts matching a specific set of criteria;
  • Manage and track contract obligations;
  • Determine changes required to maintain legal compliance;
  • Evaluate material for relevance and attorney/client privilege;
  • Identify meaningless material for deletion; or
  • Determine how best to structure and sequence material for presentation as evidence.

Our language agnostic technology is able to literally make sense of unstructured data in any context. Get in touch with us for project inquiries.

We follow a 5-step process to deliver our Legal Data Analytics service:

Step 1: Prepare the Data Set 

We launch each project with preparing a machine readable data set. For this, smart scanning of files may be necessary: we deploy multiple optical character recognition (OCR) technology to turn paper-based or non-machine readable files (like simple scans) into an electronically searchable data set.

Suggested timing: 1-2 weeks

Step 2: Prepare the List of Data Points

We collaborate with the client team to draft a list of the specific data points to be captured and extracted from the data set under review.

Suggested timing: 1-2 weeks (ideally a parallel process with Step 1)

Step 3: Smart Search Implementation

We deploy our intelligent search tool to accurately extract data from a wide range of sources. This enables us to structure apparently unstructured information into specific categories and index documents.

Step 4: Validation of Findings 

While machine learning algorithms will do the heavy lifting of data extraction, we finish the review part of the process by deploying a team to supervise the results found by the search engine. This ensures trustworthy, human-approved data capture at scale.

Step 5: Legal Analysis & Report

This last step is our work product. For this, we deploy our legal expertise and analyse the findings from Step 4 according to the specific requirements of the document review project. While Legal Data Analytics technology has a certain base cost, it allows us to provide increased quality legal work in a shorter time frame and a highly transparent cost structure.

Timing for Steps 3 through 5 will primarily depend on the quality of the data set and the number of data points to be extracted. Take the Legal Data Analytics interview and our offer will include timing suggestions tailored to the specific project.